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WIFinlander Guide Service

Captain Tim Hyvonen

Fishing has slowed down a little

After a fantastic week last week, fishing has slowed down with the ice cold water moving in. Monday the 24th I got out for a few hours before the wind decided to kick up but still managed a 16lb buck brown and a 5lb coho full of spawn and missed a screaming chinook on the down rigger.

Yesterday the 27th I made a solo trip and decided to run north of where I had been fishing due to curiosity. Within 5mins of setting lines I hooked into a nice lake trout that I popped off behind the boat. I decided to move into 28fow and missed a screamer on my shimano TDR dipsy rod and Sliver Horde J plug green splatter back. No sooner as I circled back I picked up a 2-3lb chinook. Once I was satisified with what I was seeing I decided to make a run back south and picked up one small brown in front of the power plant.

The water was so cold on Wednesday that guys were catching a large number of Lake Trout off of the Oak Creek Power Plant. With the development of the eggs and milk sacs in the coho's, kings and brown, it won't be long until the fish start moving up the rivers. As I'm typing we are getting rain and suppose to get upto one inch of rain which will puch a few fish into the rivers. I have a feeling I'll be poking around the Milwaukee River this week with my Raven IM8 or Matrix centerpin in search of early run chinooks.

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