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WIFinlander Guide Service

Captain Tim Hyvonen

Action packed weekend

This weekend plus Monday was nothing short of outstanding. There were a bunch of fish caught and a bunch of first timers that tied into brown trout and steelhead. The first Saturday morning was my buddies kid who did a great job fighting a 5lb brown by himself. Later that day I hooked into a very nice steelhead and let my coworkers husband have fun fighting it on the centerpin. This was after he got to fight a big brown that popped off right before getting into the net. Sunday I took two guys from Lacrosse out and the morning started out slow with a lot of fish jumping but not biting. After making a slight move one of the guys tied into a small male brown trout but then a few drift later missed one in the 6-7lb range. We moved up river where the same guy hooked into a healthy 6lb female brown. Monday I was able to spend the day on the river with a good friend and it was almost a repeat of Sunday with fish moving but nothing biting. That was until we found a few fish shallow then it was game on. My buddy tied into two browns, one pushing 20lbs and would have been a lot bigger if she had a full belly of spawn. While I was working the fish in front of me, we watched the wake of one shoot down river as if I had spooked it with my float but then she turned around and crushed my pearl white bead. That was hands down one of the most amazing hits I have ever seen by a brown, just really wishing I had it on video.

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