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WIFinlander Guide Service

Captain Tim Hyvonen

Saturday Morning Solo Run

Saturday morning I finally was able to get out early to get some morning darkness trolling in. After a few people said they rather sleep than go out at 0300 I casted lines and headed out to where I though the big kings were roaming. Luckily I was right. i started in 50fow with an 8 color and mag spoon and two dipsy divers with flasher fly combos. I was constantly marking fish from 50' out to 74' where my 8 color took off at 0400. After a 20min fight, the largest king year to date hit my boat. It tipped my Rapala spring scale at 22lbs! At the 75' mark I decided to head due north and it didn't take long for the googans to start showing up. After having one boat almost run over my 8 color and another boat try cutting me off (but decided to troll parallel with me) my 8 color fired again with a nice 5lb chinook. Shortly after resetting that rod, my dipsy diver fired with a 3lb chinook. After a 1/2mi troll I made my turn to head back south and it seemed like when I straightened up the same dipsy fired again with a 4lb coho. With the last fishing coming at 0630, I thought I really had a fighting chance to keep my time limit of 0700. But of course for some reason getting that 5th fish is always the hardest. I went till 0800 and decided to swap out my 8 color with a 10 color and it didn't take long before it got hit but the fish came unbuttoned. For a solo morning trip i could not have been happier going 4-5 with a slob of a chinook.

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